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Getting pregnant later in life;is it possible?

by Kimberly Schoobaar To December 26, 2020

Becoming pregnant is a big decision. Especially at a slightly older age. Can I do it? Am I not too old? These kinds of questions are very normal and human. 

What exactly does later in life mean?

If you are 35 years of age or older, you officially fall under "late age. This means that pregnancy may involve complications. Yes. it sounds very scary but it doesn't have to be. It is not guaranteed that complications will occur with your pregnancy. 

Late pregnancy risks

There are indeed more risks if you get pregnant at a later age. But that does not mean that they will occur in your pregnancy. Here are the risks;

  • Miscarriage. Due to the reduced quality of the eggs, the risk of miscarriage is higher.
  • Gestational diabetes. Later in life, you are more likely to suffer from higher blood pressure which increases the risk of diabetes.
  • Twins. Lower hormone production by the ovaries increases the risk of double ovulation.
  • Medical complications. 

Benefits of getting pregnant later in life

Of course, there are advantages to having a baby when you are a little older. Here you have them briefly listed;

  • More financially stable. Often when you are a little younger, you are not yet financially stable enough to take care of a child. When you are a little older you often have more stability.
  • Less insecure. When you're older, you've already been through more. You are often less insecure about parenting. For example, you see how your friends raise their children. 
  • Research has shown that women at a later age feel more insecure. feel better during pregnancy. 

When you are ready

Whether you are 25 or 40, there is no rush. Do it really only when you are ready. And yes, of course you have to consider the risks, but it's still your choice.

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