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To pacifier or not to pacifier during breastfeeding?

by Klantenservice Keekabuu To June 28, 2021

Are you wondering whether or not it's better to use a pacifier while breastfeeding? You're not the only new mom weighing up the pros and cons. Because although you want to keep your baby happy between feedings, the advice is contradictory. For example, there could be a sucking confusion that makes the breast unacceptable.


Also, sucking on a pacifier takes energy. As a result, infants may be too tired to want to drink anymore. The feeding rhythm can also become unbalanced. Partly because a pacifier during breastfeeding decreases appetite. But which statement is correct? In this article you will read everything you need to know whether or not to offer a pacifier while breastfeeding.


Pacifier during breastfeeding: when to start?


If you do want to offer your baby a pacifier you do so for a reason. For example, because your baby was born prematurely. Preemies, like a baby in the first weeks, have more stress than a baby born around 9 months. Sucking on a pacifier has a stress-reducing and relaxing effect.


In addition, you meet the sucking need. If you are breastfeeding, you can offer your baby a pacifier when he or she is between 4 and 6 weeks old. The feedings should be easy. So you don't need to add a pacifier directly to your baby essentials list. Still, there are other situations in which you can provide your baby with a pacifier in addition to breastfeeding.


In these situations, you may want to use a pacifier for your baby


  • You may want to consider using a pacifier when your baby gets cramps from breastfeeding. Abdominal cramps cause pain that your baby may want to reduce by sucking on a pacifier.


  • You also use a pacifier when your baby has more sucking needs than usual. Even after he or she has just been fed. In both situations, it is important to remove the pacifier as soon as your baby is quiet or sleeping.


When exactly not to use a pacifier with babies?


So whether or not to use a pacifier while breastfeeding also depends on your baby. In any case, don't use a play if you want to avoid sucking confusion. Therefore, it's best not to start using a pacifier too early. After all, you want to prevent the baby from only accepting the pacifier instead of your nipple. If your baby sucks on the pacifier for too long, it will have a negative impact on appetite.


This is caused by the pacifier, but also because sucking on a pacifier is quite intense. Your baby may not wake up on its own so you should keep an eye on it. How long a baby can sleep without feedingg. When it is time for breastfeeding, your baby may also be too tired to drink. As a matter of course, the reduced stimulation also inhibits the production of breast milk.

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