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Breastfeeding like a pro

by Kimberly Schoobaar To December 26, 2020

To breastfeed or not to breastfeed? An important choice that is entirely yours. However, it is nice to have some general basics. And that's where I'm going to help you!


First of all, how does breastfeeding actually work? 

You and your baby make a perfect couple when it comes to breastfeeding. In the first few weeks of your pregnancy, your body will begin to create extra glandular tissue. This is the result of the action of your pregnancy hormones. Your breasts may be very sensitive and swollen. So don't be afraid it happens to all of us. Often breast milk is produced by the 16th week of your pregnancy. So when your baby arrives, you will (almost) always have enough food for your little one.

 Preparing for breastfeeding 

The best way to prepare for breastfeeding all has to do with the right tips and buying the right items. You'll need items such as swaddle multi cloths. These cloths have a multi-purpose. They are ideal to have with you when your little one gets hungry in public. For example, you can place the cloth over your breasts and your little one so you can breastfeed in peace. But they can also be used, for example, as towels, sheets, summer blankets, wraps, play rugs and as a changing pad for the car. How handy is that! What is also a must for moms are the Philley milk powder storage boxes. What is a great advantage of Philley is that preparing a baby bottle is super fast and mess-free. The splitter in the head of Philley, ensures exactly the right amount per click (4.6 grams).
Perfect right! What is also highly recommended for (new) moms is the feed pillow. This pillow relieves your back during pregnancy or breastfeeding. When it comes to your baby, safety is priority. That's why it's helpful to have a clamp gate in places where it is needed. For example, at the top and/or bottom of the stairs.

 How to attach. 

The most difficult and important thing is to position your baby correctly. A baby who is not well positioned cannot get enough milk. Proper latching protects your breasts from things like breast infections and nipple fissures. Make sure you are relaxed and in a comfortable position. There are different ways of latching on: 

  • Under your arm 

In this position, sit upright with a pillow next to you and a pillow on your lap. Place your baby on the pillows with the head in front of your breast. Take your breast in your free hand and bring the head (currently resting in on your hand) toward your chest. 

  • Lying down breastfeeding 

In the beginning, many women prefer to breastfeed lying down. This is the most comfortable way after giving birth. In this position, you lie on your side and make sure the nipple is in front of your baby's mouth. 

  • Seated breastfeeding 

This is also a common position for moms. Make sure you are sitting upright. For example, in a chair or on the couch. You can use pillows to support your back or under your arm in case you get cramps. Although this is a popular position, it is not always easy with a newborn. This is because the baby is not as well supported in this position as in the other positions. 

Important tips and facts every mom should know 

  •  Purchase a sling! 

A sling is very handy when you are out and about with the little one. This way you have more free hands left and it is less heavy on your arms. It's also a lot nicer on your back. When you have a sling on, you have more support, making it less heavy on your back. 

  •  Avoid tight bras 

If you are pregnant or have just given birth, your breasts will be very sensitive and the last thing you want is a bra that is too tight. Therefore, purchase a breastfeeding or sports bra. 

  •  Wear nutrition T-shirts

The advantage of wearing a feeding T-shirt, is that you don't have to take off your shirt. You can just slide the layer of fabric aside so you can quietly feed your little one without all the complicated steps. 

  • Breastfeeding protects your little one from diseases 

Your baby's immune system is obviously not yet mature. If you feed your baby breast milk, the baby can fall back on the antibodies he gets through you ( his or her mom). Powdered milk does NOT contain these antibodies! 

  • Pumping twice 

 If you have a double pump uses, it creates additional teething reflexes and thus more milk. Double pumping also creates milk with a higher fat content and thus more energy value. 


Despite all the bumps and worries you face during your pregnancy, breastfeeding is 1 of the best experiences you will go through in your life. Breastfeeding is an intimate moment between you and your baby. make sure you enjoy it!


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