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What foods are bad for a baby?

by Kimberly Schoobaar To December 26, 2020

Often as a new mom, you are distraught when it comes to topics like these. It doesn't matter. This is something every (new) mom goes through. Often you still have to learn these things and that's okay. 

What should I not give?

Most of the healthy foods you eat, your baby can eat as well. Like vegetables, fruits and bread. But there are also a few exceptions you should pay close attention to;

4 months to 1 year. ( All these products contain pathogenic bacteria to which young children are very susceptible.

  • Raw meat and products made from raw meat.
  • Raw eggs and products made from raw eggs.
  • Cheese Made from raw milk.
  • Raw shellfish and seafood.
  • Raw fish Or pre-packaged (smoked) fish. 

Bread spreads

  • Honey. Honey can be contaminated with a bacteria that can make children up to 1 very sick.
  • Liver sausage or pâté. This contains too much saturated fat and vitamin A. 
  • Spreading cheese or plain cheese. This contains too much saturated fat and salt.
  • Cheese made from raw milk. This may contain pathogenic bacteria. 

 Milk and milk products

  • Regular milk. Breastfeeding and bottle are better suited to your baby's needs.
  • Low-fat or low-fat yogurt.
  • Chocolate milk, yoki and fristi. These drinks don't need your child. They contain too much sugar.

Be sparing with salt

It is important to pay close attention to how much salt you add to your dish. A small child's kidneys cannot process it yet. Here are the things to watch out for:

  • Don't add salt when cooking for your baby.
  • Do not use ready-made meals for your baby.

What do I need?

Of course your little one likes to eat by himself. Therefore, make sure you have the right items in the house;

  • Children's cutlery
  • Kids service
  • A high chair
  • One bib
  • Possibly a tarpaulin cloth on the floor.

When can I feed my child anything? 

This varies for each child because each child has different eating habits. Also, each child reacts differently to certain foods. It is important to keep an eye on how his or her tummy reacts. If they get a tummy ache or start spitting up more, you should wait a while. You should also pay attention to whether it digests well and quickly.

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