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Infantino - Large - 4-in-1 Grow Whith me Playland - Keekabuu
Infantino - Large - 4-in-1 Grow Whith me Playland - Keekabuu
Infantino - Large - 4-in-1 Grow Whith me Playland - Keekabuu
Infantino - Large - 4-in-1 Grow Whith me Playland - Keekabuu
Infantino - Large - 4-in-1 Grow Whith me Playland - Keekabuu

    Infantino - Large - 4-in-1 Grow Whith me Playland


    An adventure for children from 9 months, easy and compact to store. This Grow with me Playland promotes different steps in the learning process from baby to toddler thanks to 6 interactive games.

    1. See how the balls roll, pop up and jump from one side to the other combined with funny sounds and bright lights.
    2.  Admire the balls jumping and rolling back and forth from the nest to the zebra and back.
    3. A funny monkey bowling track: throw coconuts against the monkeys for crazy sounds and fun colors. A first introduction to number recognition.
    4. Press the hippo's handle or throw balls into his mouth to see the balls jump and bounce back on the light-up game board.
    5. Catch the balls the zebra shoots off with the accompanying catch.
    6. Attach the catch to the tree, throw the ball and score!

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